Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Busy Weekend...

A leisure weekend was ended 2 weeks ago and a busy weekend came on last week to accompany Grace & her mum went to buy the wedding stuff...

When enter into the shop, you can see the word everywhere...

the sticker already got lot lot of
, , and ..........

the tea cup with have various of

's bed lamp....

red red umbrella...

At the end, we bought lot of the Chinese traditional wedding items.
After that, is the turn for fashion wedding stuff.....


The night we had the dinner at Bread Basket Bakery at Kota Kemuning. Inside the bakery is not only have bread or cakes, there got lot nice and tasty food...

The Spaghetti with ham (definitely that is not for me, SAY NO to CHEESEEEEE :p) & Gong Fu Yin Yong (hahaha... this is mine)...

In the bakery you can notice there have some exquisite mini items as deco.

the mini materials of cake...

mini cake & bread, feel like to eat but those can see, can touch but cannot eat...

the Mini coffee machine... never see this kind of machine, and a lonely clown was sitting beside...

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Leisure Weekend......

Saturday, a pleasant day among the week and roaming to somewhere that was what usually I'm do, how wasted if just stay in the house whole day.... ^ ^

Last weekend, I and Grace have no pre-planned activity, so we decided to window shopping and the Sunway Pyramid was the ideal location for us.

Snapping photo around...

Lantern deco and classic Chinese music performance for Moon Cake festival...

Lunch at the Fong Lye Taiwan Cuisine restaurant...

Lunch sets + chrysanthemum tea...

Grace still busying her lunch set but I already done mine set and enjoying the tea....
hohoho... how slow she are... ^o^

At the evening, we are roaming to the Kota Kemuning lakeside before attend to a friend's buffet dinner... At the meant time, Grace being my temporary portrait model again...

The happening lakeside...

How a wonderful evening~~~

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dinner in a Station......

Yesterday night I had a belated dinner celebration to my beloved's birthday... her last 'single' status birthday celebration...

We decided to a 'station' for our dinner there we planned to go since 3 years back... I call there as station because inside have a train...

she was the train captain of the night ^^

A special beverage to make the dinner feel different.... ^o^

the dishes of the night...

after the dinner...

Woooo~~~ she 'blowing' and after.... she down! hahahaha...

A memorable moment for her & me~~~