Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Outing to Paddy...

Again, I had my 2nd photo outing within a month at the last weekend to a paddy field.
Sekinchan was an ideal place for paddy shooting....

but that day was the overcast day....

The couple was practicing the poses for pre wedding shooting.... think that day will be coming soon.... :p

Group photos with my buddy....

Sunset, is the time to going back home~~~

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Journey to Bkt Tinggi....

Bukit Tinggi aka French-themed village. 4 years ago, I been there with a group of friends... but this time was just the couple trip....

The building still the same, an imitated France style castle...

hohoho.... i caught you...

Grace making a wish at the well.. a dry well~~

thanks to the camera tripod, a must gear along with when the couple trip.... :p

Black & white gooses....

After the French village, we toward to Botanic garden & Japanese themed village just located beside the French village....

Botanic garden.... nothing inside besides the plant....

Photos took in the Japanese village.... こんにちわ

fun shooting.... reflection of the mirror...

How a wonderful sunny day....

Monday, November 8, 2010

Outing.... Shooting....

Last Friday 05th Nov, I joined Tamron photo group for Deepavali festival shooting. That was my 1st time join the photo outing... Good experience....

Morning 9am, arrived to the KL Sentral Monorial station. Nice weather of that day... (morning only)...

a public telephone with full of dust and rubbish around...

Having the group photo before depart to the Indian temple...
Army starting toward to the place...

This is the place...

colorful architecture....

colorful sacrifice....


it look like the mini egg tart.... hohoho ^^

setting off firecrackers, just at the middle of the road.....