Thursday, October 14, 2010


101010, was a special day for all people, for me as well....

Arrived the Shah Alam Buddhist Society at 8am and after register for the attendance we were only realized that we are the FIRST couple of the day!!

(p/s: the No.1 not from tender or under-table deal but is destiny..;p)

Line-up and waiting enter into the shrine hall after the group photo...

9am sharp, Tang! Tang! Tang!... We were the 1st couple enter into the hall, how a wonderful arrangement.... hohoho! ^.^

the programs of the ceremony: Offering to Buddha, Chanting, speech by reverend... At the 10:00am sharp, the solemn oath and exchange the rings ceremony start.

Signing the marriage certificate... this signing were no regret for my life...
Photo session inside the hall while my certificate in processing by the officer...

family photo....

Photo with buddies... Thank you very much for their attendance...

Mission completed....

Again, photo with my siblings outside the hall before we leave....

One of the Buddha offering item is the apple, does it mean 开花结'果', bear the fruit???

K session with buddies after the ceremony...

Are she intending to eat the mic??? hehehehe... :p

Thanks again to the buddies...

A memorable day and enter the new chapter of my life......


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